Hello everyone!
As previously announced, the homePad application for inventories of fixtures is getting a makeover, with 10 major changes compared with the current version.
The first change concerns the name:
homePad Pro is no longer available for homePad One subscriptions: from now on, the application will be called homePad App, and the customer extranet will become homePad Admin and homePad Documents.
For Resolve subscriptions: we have two new interconnected applications homePad Tickets and homePad Contacts.
This new version brings a number of new features from both a technical and a functional point of view: here are the 10 major new features you'll soon have at your disposal after your migration.
1. A smartphone application
Tablet or smartphone, no need to choose
The new version of the application is available in both tablet and smartphone format on iOS (apple) and/or Android, with a new, more modern, more intuitive design - everything has been rethought for you. The new navigation is smoother and more intuitive, with more clearly identifiable action buttons.
All you have to do is go to the App Store (iOS) and/or Google Play Store (Android) and download our application.
This application requires at least iOS 15 or Android 7.
Min. iPhone: iPhone SE (2nd edition)
Minimum recommendation: iPhone 6
iPad minimum: All iPads with iOS 15 (all iPad Air not recommended)
Minimum recommendation iPad 6
A little homePad advice :
The use of a tablet is preferable as it is larger and more professional. Application downloadable from the App Store (iOS) and Google Play Store (Android) on all mobile devices: tablets AND smartphones. |
Users can only be connected to one device at a time: auto log-out!
2. Interconnected web and mobile interfaces
A complete intelligent ecosystem: 5 platforms to manage your assets from entry to exit
homePad One: homePad Pro becomes homePad App and the customer extranet becomes homePad Admin and homePad Documents
homePad Resolve: two interconnected applications homePad Tickets for you and homePad Contacts for your tenants
For homePad One + Resolve subscriptions, data flows from one platform to another. Users have access to the following from all entry points (homePad App, homePad Documents, homePad Tickets):
Resolve for tickets
In addition, all the management of these elements is centralised from homePad Admin, as is the configuration of the different platforms for both homePad One and homePad Resolve.
3. Lot and contact directory
New specific database for your properties and contacts
Your lists of properties under management and your contacts are now identified as such and can be accessed from a specific database.
For greater simplicity and speed, the application gives you full access to your address book. So there's no need to re-enter contact details (email address, telephone number) for tenants or landlords.
Tip: Thanks to your batch and contact directory, it's easier to find a report by batch or by contact. These batches and contacts are also shared with homePad Tickets for internal management purposes. |
4. The concept of a visit
New organisation - Your EDLs ready in advance, visible on the homepage in "My upcoming visits" and modifiable during the visit
homePad App introduces a new concept: visits!
Within these visits, users can create several reports: an inventory of fixtures, a furniture inventory, a building report and a summary of rental deductions.
The new concept of visits is very simple to understand: generally, an inventory of fixtures corresponds to an appointment or physical visit to a property, at a specific time and date. From now on, you can organise and manage your reports according to a visit logic, and plan them over time.
Based on the visits, you can produce inventories of fixtures and fittings or any other dematerialised document, duplicating them for later use.
Several advantages:
Simplified history (by entity): users can easily find the reports produced at the same time, during the same site visit.
Data logic shared by several reports. Items created in one report are repeated in another. Reports can be produced more quickly.
Task planning: visits are organised chronologically, by status, so that users know at all times what they have been working on and what lies ahead.
5. Automatic synchronisation
No more forgetting - your EDLs are saved at all times and sent automatically from homePad App to homePad Documents as soon as you are connected to the Internet.
When you connect to the application or disconnect from it with an Internet connection, the application synchronises your lists, batches, visits, company data, additional items, reports and files.
Users can find all their visits on their tablet or smartphone and from homePad Documents, and e-mails are sent to selected recipients.
You can always activate this action manually using the special Synchro icon at any time.
Synchronisation of completed visits :
Synchronisation from homePad App to homePad Documents takes place as soon as the mobile device is connected to the Internet.
If the Internet connection is interrupted during synchronisation, the process is paused and continued when the connection is restored. Synchronisation may take several minutes depending on the size of the visit (particularly the number of photos) and the quality of the connection.
Tip: if a user has started a visit from their mobile device, they can always manually synchronise this visit in progress with homePad Documents so that the visit can be continued on another mobile device, or assign it to another user if necessary without having lost the data previously entered. |
6. Automatic sending of reports
Saving space and time
At the end of the visit, the reports will be sent automatically by e-mail to the various recipients. The major difference with the previous version lies in the system used to send this email, without having to worry about the size of the report, as it is now a download link that is sent to tenants, rather than a sometimes bulky attachment.
It's no longer your inbox on the tablet that sends the email, but the homePad servers.
Three advantages:
Synchronisation is guaranteed, as it is required to send the e-mail.
Users no longer have to configure their email from their mobile device
PDF download links are generated with a unique code and attached to the e-mail, so there's no need to send PDFs directly, as they may be too large.
7. Automatic credit management
The company basket distributes credits
You no longer need to transfer credits to your tablet; credits are deducted when the visit is synchronised with homePad Documents. As a reminder, a signed document consumes one credit, except for the rental holdback, which consumes ½ credit.
If you have run out of credits, don't panic, your visit is still saved along with the signatures and the email will be on hold along with the PDF consultation. Please do not hesitate to contact our customer service department directly to assess your credit consumption and propose an adjustment that is as close as possible to your needs.
8. Better quality photos
Professional photo quality
Within the PDF, the resolution of the photos has been improved so that the defects highlighted are more visible while maintaining a reasonable PDF size -> the sharper and larger the photos, the heavier the PDF and the harder it is to load with homePad Pro V4!
With the new version, photos are optimised and retain their excellent quality thanks to the fact that documents are sent with a download link rather than as email attachments.
9. A smarter furniture inventory
A default furniture list already available
The furniture inventory is now an exact copy of the inventory of fixtures: when the user adds a room, a default furniture list appears. It is no longer necessary to add each item of furniture one by one, which saves a considerable amount of time.
Users are free to add a status and comments to the items they want to appear in the final PDF.
10. New remarks management
No longer choose between status and remarks for part elements
It is no longer necessary to choose between status and comment to describe each element in a room. The user can define that the wall is new using the shortcuts, but add a remark because it has a hole in it. What's more, remarks are entered using a multiple selection logic, so there's no need to enter remarks one after the other.
Remarks are sorted by category:
Action to be taken
Users can now also add several notes at once. They can then add photos and details only to the remarks they feel need to be detailed.
PLUS: Duplicating a report from an existing one is automatic
Automated action saves time
You no longer need to search for the previous report, as the system automatically suggests that you duplicate it by selecting the batch. homePad Documents makes the link between existing reports and new visits to be scheduled. You can select remarks, contacts, etc.
Bonus: Automatic creation of reports in visits (self-promotion)
Automated action to save time
If the property is furnished, the furniture inventory is added by default to the visit as soon as it is created.
The rental holdback report (or exit agreement) is automatically added to the visit as soon as a remark is indicated as a rental holdback in the inventory of fixtures or the furniture inventory.
All reports can be added manually to the visit by the user.